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3. Reviews of Cialis Super Active indicate that the drug starts to work in 15-20 minutes, and not after 40 minutes, as usual. Despite the fact that the price for Cialis Super Active is noticeably lower than the original Cialis, the active substance in both preparations is the same, which means they act the same way. am a transportation policy expert who researches the influence of transport and land use policy on travel behavior. My training includes earning a PhD in the Department of City & Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. Prior to academia, I worked as a transport planner for Nelson Nygaard Consulting Associates in Portland, Oregon, as a policy advocate for the Surface Transportation Policy Project in Washington DC, and as a project manager for the Wisconsin Bicycle Federation.
After completing a Masters of Public Policy / Urban Planning at the Harvard Kennedy School, I researched German and European road pricing and transit oriented development policy as a Humboldt Fellow in Hamburg, Germany. At UC Berkeley, I discovered a passion for teaching and served as Editor of the Berkeley Planning Journal.
My career began as a grassroots organizer, and I enjoy keeping connected to the community through public service. I have served on the Berkeley Transportation Commission and the Adams Morgan Advisory Neighborhood Commission in Washington DC. In my free time, I enjoy hiking and bike touring.
University of California Berkeley, Dept. of City & Regional Planning, 2015.
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, Master of Public Policy / Urban Planning, 2006.
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Bachelor of Science, Geology, 1996.